Home Office Furniture Ideas

Are you still working remotely? Are you homeschooling the children? For people who like being home, this is great! Some of us, dont quite have the room put together to fully make the most out of working from home. In this blog, we are going to give you some ideas to help make the transition of home schooling or working from home a little easier for you. If you like what you see, you can always message us to ask about a piece, or what we can do to help you improve your home office/home school space. We are here to help!

First, when designing a home office, you want to make sure you are going to be productive in that space. A great home office desk can do wonders for your productivity. The desk should be made to fit your needs. Do you need a large area for computer screens, or to draft, or to lay out pieces of homework for your children? Do you need drawers to keep numerous items you will need? Small drawers for pens? Large drawers for files? Will multiple people be using this area or just you? All great questions to ask. Remember, if you aren’t being productive in this area, you probably wont want to sit there often. Another great way to make sure you are productive is to be comfortable. A great chair is key in helping to make you comfortable and productive.

Bookcases also help with the whole home office/home classroom. Be it built ins or some free standing book shelves, they help with organization and clutter. Its proven that when you have less clutter you focus more on the task. This is why drawers, and bookcases and built ins are important. We are having to deal with 6 kids homeschooling, while we also work part time from home. Book shelves and storage are a must for us. They are probably a must for your family too. They are another great addition to any home office.

If you don’t have a separate room for your home office, you want to make sure that the furniture matches. We can help you with custom stains, we can also look at your room and give you advice on the best options for desks and shelving to really make the most of the space you have. The whole working from home thing is different for all of us. The schooling from home is also making people have to re organize homes and find the space. We are here to help you and hope some of these ideas also helped!

If you have any questions or need some advice please reach out!


Counter and Island Tops


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